voluntation = 23.500 results
-1/12 ------------ 3mirror ---- k198 ---- 18 overtone
voluntation = 23.500 results
excellent work ..... thankx ...... i wonder if i could interest you in a particularly harsh case:
man with easy neighbourhood youth rapport doesn't notice / mind / explain the steady lowering ages of those who seek him out. most of them get parental bans on account of the 'freethought' they go home and shock these christians forebears with and stop the visits from infringing on my workload [see 'Quest for Ethics' via an honest engine.
After 10 years the age has gone from 12 to 6. Word of mouth effect X eagerness to graduate early i guess.
Part of the way thru that period new neighbours try to imitate happy sound evocation at first but fail miserably with their own grands. Complete upsets every time. Deadly jealousy is born then, .. but i don't realize until much later, after almost dying from a poisioning i was unable to acknowledge the source of .. cause it implied a stupidity on my part to match their maliciousness. There was also a socratic element in the whole thing, .. right after publishing collected works [20 miljan clicks in one so to speak].
Infringements begin ... unannounced and steadily more sneaky 'overreach' [literally, payback for me allowing leaves to overhang to their side of the fence]] ... but not enuff, like all the ogre trash [will claim is 'visible decency'] around here, worshipping weedfree is the norm# and they proceeded to use poison ON MY DOORSTEP .. on the last days it was legal for private parties .. after a 6 year struggle. They prolly purchased that satanic juice to murder the espalier apple tree i planted on my side of the 2 meters between our frontdoors [don't say, oh, dutch housing, asking for trouble ... i know] but my naivite still had that nearly deadly setting at the time.
# = --[ .. only recently getting pushback from practical greenies: hortus.nl a pdf set of a cardgame with 'stoepspleetplanten' or 'straatsteenspleetplanten']. These pleasantly woke wokeys are lo status like me, despite a record of timely warnings, etcetera, a few years ago they featured the author of 'nederland droogteland' [yes, the netherlands have finally missionarized around enuff for it to come back and bite them in the ass via migration pressures of a wholly different magnitude than the wage driven type they were used to either not foresee consequences of or declare them 'side-effects']--
Much of my account is written in dutch ... but you'll get the gist from the other parts.
Ps: Dupont and Chemours have repeated their turtle isles crimes near Dortdrecht [ancient printer town on a river confluence at the edge of the last piece of real Delta [yeah, another magnitude match, it's a given beyond world, univere and galaxy wide i guess] which is only 6 miles away and if they don't even get punished for knowingly, deceitful biocidality, how is a single case like mine gonna fare tryin to get justice????
Still hoping i'll get some ethically fired up lawyer on my doorstep. miracles are known to occur there. a plant that relieves my kidney ache ... from the poison, the chemo .. etcetera. was put there# ... years ahead of the crisis .. survived a brutal attack ... and not until well into my probs did i learn the merits of Artemisia
# = ---[by a little feathered emissary i'm guessing, this year an unfamiliar greenish birdy came and showed very special interest in my backyard Artemisia - see anamed.com for info]---